OPEN CALL “Bridging the Gap”

for performing artists

OPEN CALL “Bridging the Gap”


Application open: January 10th, 2022

Application deadline: March 28th, 2022, 19:00 (GMT+2)

Shortlisting announcement: April 28th, 2022


PCAI is glad to announce the open call “Bridging the Gap” in the context of Stronger Peripheries: A Southern Coalition, a project co-funded by the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union. This open call is addressed to artists within the contemporary performing arts scene (dance, theatre or any hybrid/ transdisciplinary forms; performance art), who reside in Greece and take an interest in participatory artistic processes and/or practices. Artistic proposals focusing on environmental awareness, resilience, and sustainability are especially welcomed.


We are seeking for an artist or artistic group or company who will work in tandem with PCAI (Greece), ARTEMREDE/Torres Vedras (Portugal) and L’arboreto – Teatro Dimora (Italy) in the production of a new creation under the topic “Bridging the Gap”. The research and creative processes are to be accompanied by a hosting community composed of approximately 20 local inhabitants with diverse profiles (to be agreed upon with the artist or group) and they will take place in the Municipal Theater of Piraeus, as well as in Torres Vedras and L’arboreto. The selected artist or team will be offered a coproduction fee of 33.000 € gross as a lump sum. No entry or administration fee is required.

Coproduced artists will be granted conditions to create and delve into a thought-provoking topic while relating closely to local communities and contexts. They will get to experiment new participatory methodologies, accompanied by a diverse group of people with whom a mutually beneficial, and reciprocal relationship should be nourished. The work will be presented both in Greece and abroad, reaching wider, international audiences, and enabling added touring opportunities. They will also benefit from extended support from Stronger Peripheries partners’ expertise and networks.


This open call is promoted by Stronger Peripheries: A Southern Coalition, a large cooperation project co-funded by the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union.



Open call launch: January 10th, 2022

Application deadline: March 28th, 2022, 19:00 (GMT+2)

Shortlisting announcement via email: April 28th, 2022

Tandem Workshop*: May 31st – June 3rd, PCAI/ Municipal Theater of Piraeus, Greece

1st research residency: October 3rd – 14th, 2022, PCAI/ Municipal Theater of Piraeus, Greece

2nd research residency: October 17th – 28th, 2022, ARTEMREDE/ Torres Vedras, Portugal

1st creative residency: December 1st -15th, 2022, L’arboreto, Mondaino, Italy

2nd creative residency: January 10th – 23th, 2023, PCAI/ Municipal Theater of Piraeus, Greece


The selected artist or company is expected to present their finalized artistic production at a première organized by PCAI in January 2023 in Greece, whereas a second presentation will take place in February 2023 in Portugal. The performance should remain available for touring within the Southern Coalition network’s partners between January 2023 and November 2024.


*selection process’s final step



Please consult the open call’s terms and conditions and FAQ below prior to submitting your application.


Application Form

Terms and Conditions

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For further inquiries, feel free to reach us at 

Explore other creation opportunities in the Stronger Peripheries’ Calls website.

About Stronger Peripheries

Stronger Peripheries is a large cooperation project co-funded by the Creative Europe Culture Programme, gathering eleven arts’ management organizations and three research institutions from ten Southern-European countries. It is the first project to be implemented by the Southern Coalition, an informal network that connects locally anchored cultural practices in a European South, aiming at overcoming isolation and boosting the skills of artists, cultural professionals, and audiences. Stronger Peripheries questions and discusses the notions of “south” and “peripheries” from a socio-political and socio-cultural point of view, providing an opportunity to renegotiate our identities through culture and the empowering confluence of cultural difference.





In collaboration with:



With the support of the Creative Europe programme of the European Union